Snow day, cooking in the kitchen, extra time in the studio

Yay ! for another snow day I’ve spent the day fixing up some yummy delicious crock pot goodness and catching up in the studio. I’ve used my time wisely but like us all there is a time crunch… we all have that moment and ask ourselves why do i still have all this stuff not complete ? No worries though. I am making another pot of coffee and into the studio i go.
Does anyone else have great studio time at night or better during the day. I tend to think better and get more inspired at night. Plus I love blasting the itunes on the computer after a
LONG day. We can all agree just like having chocolate having a release and listening to music or maybe a audio book is the way to go to unwind.
Just heated up the soldering iron and away i go to make more art !

saw these lovely keyholes and had to share !
the sky is the limit to all the possibilities !Image

I shall return while in the studio and share what’s taking place.



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